Community Services Division

UNL's Center on Children, Families, and the Law organized the Community Services Division in 2003 to coordinate community and service-system development activities for populations at increased risk. Team members provide program evaluation, development, and implementation; needs assessments; and data systems training and administration in collaboration with federal, state, and local partners. 

Visit these links to learn more about current projects: 

Community Services

Project Team

  1. Avatar for Jeff Chambers
    Senior Project Director
  2. Avatar for Brittany Brakenhoff
    Research Assistant Professor (Faculty)
  3. Avatar for Sarah Cruz
    Youth Program and Prevention Coordinator
  4. Avatar for Karla Galvan Cabrera
    Balance of State HMIS Administrator
  5. Avatar for Angela Gebhardt
    YHSI Lived Experience Coordinator
  6. Avatar for Chad Gressley
    Youth Homeless System Improvement Coordinator
  7. Avatar for Danell McCoy Vaughan
    Program Manager-Homeless Coordinated Entry Systems
  8. Avatar for Ciara Orr
    HMIS System Manager
  9. Avatar for Jay Schalk
    Continuum of Care Planning Manager
  10. Graduate Research Assistant
  11. Avatar for Ryan Sullivan