The Center on Children, Families, and the Law is one of 57 departments, centers, programs, and institutes located within the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. CCFL was established in 1987 to serve as a home for research and public service on child and family policy issues. The knowledge of child and family issues we gain is used to educate policymakers, scholars, service providers, and the public. Our work serves as the primary basis for new local, state, and national policies and has been cited in court rulings, including the U.S. Supreme Court. We help the helpers by providing training, resources, and expertise to helping professionals.
Our Mission
Helping the Helpers: We provide an interdisciplinary and collaborative approach to improve systems and outcomes for children and families.
How Can We Continue To Cultivate Authentic Curiosity and Connection?
By listening and learning open-mindedly, we commit to rooting out reductive beliefs and biases and expanding equity and inclusion. By building community open-heartedly, we commit to breaking down barriers and increasing well-being and belonging.
There may be moments when authenticity feels absent, crises seem to diminish the capacity for curiosity, and some use differences to drive disconnection. That is when we must choose to dig deep. Disconnection harms. Connection heals.
At UNL’s Center on Children, Families, and the Law, we are grounded and growing in our mission of helping the helpers to improve the lives of children and families.
Relationships are the greatest resource for working toward real solutions. CCFL is deeply grateful for our collaborative partners—the extraordinary changemakers working alongside us.
We look forward to cultivating authentic curiosity and connection with you and all the children and families we serve this coming year.