
Answers4Families provides Internet-based support and information for Nebraskans with special needs. Beginning as a pilot project in 1994, when the Internet was just becoming recognized for its benefits, the project has matured into a website with thousands of pages of information and email discussion groups that serve Nebraskans across the lifespan. The discussion groups offer the opportunity to share information, resources, and support with persons across the state. The website contains valuable information for families and professionals, including state and national resources, support group information, organizations, and tips for coping with a variety of issues.

Services provided by Answers4Families include: "Ask Rx," which provides the opportunity to ask questions of a registered pharmacist, and an "Ask an Expert" service featuring a different expert each month. Some of the topics include substance abuse, legal issues, elder care, foster care, information about the autism spectrum, and much more. Answers4Families also offers over 20 email discussion groups (listservs).

Answers4Families is a collaborative project of the Center on Children, Families, and the Law at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, the Nebraska Department of Education - Early Development Network; Nebraska Alliance for Drug Endangered Children, and the University of Nebraska Lincoln Extension.




  1. Avatar for Charlie Lewis
    Project Director
  2. Avatar for Jessica Cook
    Web Project Coordinator
  3. Avatar for Mitchell  Hesseltine
    Training Assistant
  4. Avatar for Allison Jones
    IT Administrator
  5. Avatar for Josh Rice
    PHP/MySQL Developer