The Helpers
- Child Welfare Practitioners
- School Personnel
- Community Leaders
- Homeless Service System Providers
- Policymakers
- Respite Coordinators
- Service Providers
- Mental Health Practitioners
- Indigenous Leaders
- Local, State, and Federal Agencies
- Probation Officers
- Volunteers
- Judges and Attorneys
- Law Enforcement
- Community Health Workers
- Basic and Emergency Needs Providers
Those Helped
- Neglected and Maltreated Children
- Vulnerable Infants and Toddlers
- Parents and Families
- Older Adults
- The Community
- Foster and Adoptive Parents
- Service Professionals
- Populations at Increased Risk
- Individuals Impacted by Health Disparities
- Youth Impacted by the Justice System
- Caregivers and Care Recipients
- Individuals with Disabilities
- Survivors of Trafficking
- Children and Youth in Foster Care
- Individuals Experiencing Homelessness
- Families Impacted by Domestic Violence
Serving Nebraska
Service to the state is a central component of the mission of the University of Nebraska, and CCFL holds a deep commitment to the people of Nebraska. CCFL faculty and staff work closely with local and state agencies and nonprofit organizations to improve the lives of children and families through research, legal and policy analyses, program evaluation, consultation with service providers, educational programs, and training.
Serving the Nation
CCFL is committed to the development and dissemination of knowledge that advances the well-being of all children and families. Research and other scholarly work undertaken by the CCFL faculty and staff have been instrumental in shaping policies and laws in states other than Nebraska and at the national level. CCFL faculty also serve on various boards and advisory committees for national organizations concerned with child and family policy.