CCFL provides training for professionals, specific to their responsibilities in the child welfare or juvenile justice system. Customized training courses are developed to meet the needs of each profession, and can range from covering basic, entry-level information to the development of advanced skills. CCFL’s training staff includes multidisciplinary experience in their respective fields prior to becoming trainers at CCFL.
Answers4Families provides Internet-based support and information for Nebraskans with special needs. Beginning as a pilot project in 1994, when the Internet was just becoming...
Ending Homelessness Planning and Development
In 2010, the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness published the first Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness, creating a shared vision for communities where systems...
Nebraska Center on Reflective Practice
The Nebraska Center on Reflective Practice (NCRP) provides training, mentoring, consultation, and evaluation to individuals and organizations in need of reflective practice. The human...
Safe and Healthy Families Initiative
The Safe and Healthy Families Initiative (SAHFI), a project established in 2021, provides a coordinated response to domestic violence-related child maltreatment cases in Lancaster County. The...
Answers4Families Projects
Answers4Families is committed to empowering Nebraskans with special needs by connecting them to valuable resources and support. Our team excels in fostering relationships between human service...
Homeless Coordinated Entry
Coordinated entry systems are designed to ensure that anyone experiencing or at-risk of homelessness is assessed in a standardized manner, is prioritized according to need, and is referred to the...
Nebraska Early Development Network
The Nebraska Early Development Network provides early intervention services for families with children birth to age three with developmental delays and/or health care needs and connects families...
Tax Credit Alliance of Nebraska & Lincoln VITA
The Tax Credit Alliance of Nebraska (TCAN) offers free tax credit clinics and federal and state income tax preparation to populations currently underserved across the state. TCAN is sponsored by...
Children’s Justice Clinic & Children’s Justice Attorney Education
The Children’s Justice Clinic (CJC) is a partnership between the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Center on Children, Families, and the Law and Nebraska Law to train third-year law students to...
Homeless Management Information System
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires all organizations and agencies who receive HUD funding for homeless services to track client information in a Homeless...
Nebraska Lifespan Respite Network
The Nebraska Lifespan Respite Network offers individuals or family members temporary relief from the daily routine and stress that can come with providing ongoing care. Respite can play a critical...
Trauma Capable Schools
In 2021, CCFL partnered on a project with LPS to facilitate an accessible and sustainable Trauma Capable Schools training program for all school personnel across the district. Since then, CCFL has...
Community Services Division
UNL's Center on Children, Families, and the Law organized the Community Services Division in 2003 to coordinate community and service-system development activities for populations at increased...
Individual Family Service Plans
IFSPWeb is a self-paced tutorial designed to help Nebraska parents and professionals create better Individual Family Service Plans (IFSPs) for young children with disabilities. The site aims to...
Nebraska Resource Project for Vulnerable Young Children
The Nebraska Resource Project for Vulnerable Young Children (NRPVYC) works to improve the well-being of maltreated young children and their families in Nebraska. Led by Project Director Kelli...