Dawn Davis
Research Assistant Professor (Faculty) Ctr on Children Families & the Law University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
CCFL 206 South 13th Street Suite 1000
Lincoln NE 68588-0227 - Phone
Dawn and her husband have two children, a dog, and three cats. She loves traveling the world and has visited five continents and over 20 countries! She enjoys cooking and spending time outdoors.
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln, PhD (Human Sciences)
- California State University-Long Beach, MA (Psychology)
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln, BA (Psychology)
Areas of Interest:
- Program and training evaluation
- Inter-agency collaboration
- Early childhood education and child development
- Intervention development
Professional Activities & Community Service:
- Healing Heart Therapy Dogs, Volunteer Team
Selected Presentations & Publications:
- Davis, D., Miller, D., Mrema, D., Matsoai, M., Mapetla, N., Raikes, A., & Burton, A. (2021). Understanding perceptions of quality among early childhood education stakeholders in Tanzania and Lesotho: A multiple qualitative case study. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 4(1), 100153.
- Raikes, A., Sayre, R., & Davis, D. (2021). Mini-Review on Capacity-Building for Data-Driven Early Childhood Systems: The Consortium for Pre-primary Data and Measurement in Sub-Saharan Africa. Frontiers in public health, 8, 595821. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2020.595821
- Raikes, A., Koziol, N., Davis, D., & Burton, A. (2020). Measuring quality of preprimary education in sub-Saharan Africa: Evaluation of the Measuring Early Learning Environments scale. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 53, 571-585.
- Escalante-Barrios, E. L., Suarez-Enciso, S. M., Raikes, H., Davis, D., Garcia, A., Gonen, M., ... & Hazar, R. G. (2020). Child-parent interactions in American and Turkish families: Examining measurement invariance analysis of child-parent relationship scale. Plos one, 15(4), e0230831.
- Raikes, A., Sayre, R., Davis, D., Anderson, K., Hyson, M., Seminario, E., & Burton, A. (2019). The Measuring Early Learning Quality & Outcomes initiative: purpose, process and results. Early Years, 39(4), 360-375.
- Raikes, A., Davis, D., & Burton, A. (2019). Early Childhood Care and Education in the Era of Sustainable Development: Balancing Local and Global Priorities. The SAGE Handbook of Comparative Studies in Education, 307.
- Language and Reading Research Consortium, Jiang, H., & Davis, D. L. (2017). Let’s Know! Proximal Impacts on Prekindergarten through Grade 3 Students’ Comprehension-Related Skills. The Elementary School Journal.
- Knoche, L. L. & Davis, D. L. (2017). Rural language and literacy connections: An integrated approach to supporting low-income preschool children’s language and literacy development. In G. C. Nugent, G. M. Kunz, S. M. Sheridan, T. A. Glover, & L. L. Knoche (Eds.), Rural education research: State of the science and emerging directions. New York, NY: Springer.
- Language and Reading Research Consortium, Arthur, A. M., & Davis, D. L. (2016). A pilot study of the impact of double-dose robust vocabulary instruction on children’s vocabulary growth. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness.
- Dinkel, D., Ryherd, E., Davis, D., & Raikes, A. Measuring Program Quality Using Sensors. Research presentation at the CYFS ECE Summit. Lincoln, NE. April 2022.
- Johnson, J., Raikes, H., Davis, D., Altwijri, M., & Esteraich, J. Child Executive Functioning in Nebraska Educare Programs. Research presentation at the CYFS ECE Summit. Lincoln, NE. April 2018.
- Raikes, A., Davis, D., & Koziol, N. Evidence for Using School Readiness Measures in Sub-Saharan Africa. Research presentation at the CYFS ECE Summit. Lincoln, NE. April 2018.