Jill Knox
Training Specialist II Ctr on Children Families & the Law University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
206 S 13th St Ste 1000
Lincoln NE 68588-0227 - Phone
Jill has worked in the field of child welfare for over 28 years. 21 one of those years have been working on the training grant with the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (NDHHS), providing classroom and field support to their Child and Family Services staff. Prior to working with the Center on Children, Families, and the Law(CCFL), Jill worked as a child Protective Services Worker for NDHHS for five years. Jill also has child welfare experience working direct care with families involved with NDHHS; such as being a family support worker and working in group homes for youth. In her 21 years as a Field Training Specialist, Jill was promoted to Field Training Specialist II, to assist and train new employees as they were hired on at CCFL. Through the years, Jill has assisted with curriculum development, training in the classroom and worked with trainees in their office from their hire date through approximately 20 weeks. Jill has been trained and certified in Mandt and became a Car Seat Technician as well.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, BA (Psychology)
Areas of Interest:
- Child abuse and neglect and its effects on families
- Investigation of child abuse and neglect cases
- Community education of child abuse and neglect
- Field training for Child Welfare Workers
- Permanency for children in the Health and Human Services System
- Collaboration with community professionals
Professional Activities & Community Service:
- Certified Car Seat Technician involved in community events teaching others how to safely and correctly install car seats
- Volunteer with Horizons Community Church and Lincoln Public Schools
- Private Contractor for home studies with Health and Human Services, January 2005 to October 2008
- Child Welfare Worker, November 1998 to July 2003 Lincoln, NE